How can I convert a PDF Invoice into an EDI format?

Questions about implementing EDI.

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How can I convert a PDF Invoice into an EDI format?

Post by jason31 »

Hi All,

I have a few clients that are sending us PDF invoices. We currently hand enter them.

What I would like to know is if there is anything out there on the internet that will allow me to convert a PDF into a valid EDI file in XML format . Is this possible?

Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:23 pm

Re: How can I convert a PDF Invoice into an EDI format?

Post by edi4all »

Hi Jason,

Are the PDFs they send you original PDFs? meaning, are they scans or are they original/computer generated PDFs?

If you are receiving originals, then yes, you can use a PDF to EDI converter.

We have used ChimpKey for some clients who need EDI X.12 like EDI810. The process is pretty simple, you email the PDF to ChimpKey's AI system and it converts it to an EDI810 and then sends it back to you within about 3 min.

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